Life Groups

Groups meet in homes or at the church at different times throughout the week and usually last for around an hour.
Time is spent sharing about life and faith, studying the Bible, and prayer.

Each week we provide a set of questions for life groups based on our Sunday sermon. These are intended to be worked through together, so if you aren't in a life Group, please consider joining one!

Our Life Groups

                 Day Venue Area Contact Person Photo
                 Tuesday (10.30am) Renew 127 Martin and Linda Chadwick
                 Tuesday (8pm) Scawthorpe/Bessacarr Gill Beams
                 Tuesday (8pm) Hyde Park Ruth Bellerby
                 Wednesday (10am) Bentley Baptist Church Graham Simpson
                 Wednesday (1.30pm) Bentley/Scawthorpe Serena Stevenson
                 Wednesday (7.30pm) Bentley Baptist Church Andrew Thompsett & Steve Costin  
                 Wednesday (8pm)

(2nd & 4th)


Joel Ward

                 Thursday (11am) Bentley Baptist Church Jenny Stephenson

Let's do life together!


Bentley Baptist Church, Askern Road, Bentley, Doncaster DN5 0EW
Tel: 01302 876401    Email:

Bentley Baptist Church. CIO Registered in England and Wales. No1190319